Channel: metfan4l
Category: Music
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Description: Want to learn how to play guitar and support my channel? Consider trying the free trial over at using my ref-link: Thanks! ------------- Band name: Damageplan Date: May 28, 2004 Venue: Float-Rite Park Amphitheatre Location: Somerset, WI, USA Tour: New Found Power Event: 93X Fest 2004 (Friday, May 28, 2004 - Saturday, May 29, 2004) Other acts: Anthrax, Apartment 26, Atomship, Cold, Papa Roach, SOiL, Sevendust, Shinedown, Twisted Sister Media: 1 DVD Filming type: Audience Video format: NTSC Aspect ratio: 4:3 Total running time: 68 min Notes: Night 1 of 2 at the 93X Fest 2004. I additionally upscaled and de-interlaced the original NTSC DVD-files from 480p at 29,97i to 720p at progressive 59,94fps for best possible YouTube viewing quality. Enjoy! Setlist: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:01:02 - Breathing New Life 0:05:10 - Pride 0:09:31 - Wake Up 0:13:52 - Crawl 0:20:04 - Save Me 0:25:03 - Explode 0:28:58 - Reborn 0:35:00 - New Found Power 0:39:00 - Guitar Solo 0:46:23 - Fuck You 0:54:10 - Walk (Pantera cover) 1:02:04 - A New Level (Pantera cover) (with Sevendust) \\m//